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Dress Code

Please click here for the 2023-2024 dress code.

The dress code has essentially not changed in the last few years. T-Shirts HAVE NOT BEEN ALLOWED for many years. The School Board has added a clarification regarding tops to help parents and students to understand acceptable tops:

All shirts (boys and girls) must have functional buttons at the neck and/or a collar.
Sweaters and turtlenecks are also acceptable.
All tops may be solid-colored or have a regular geometric pattern such as stripes, plaid, or polka dots.

Reminder, no clothing may have glitter. Also, headbands may only be flat (not animal ears, antennae, flowers, etc.).  These types of headbands have been a distraction in the classroom and have been used as toys.  Also, students have been sharing these types of headbands, which is not good health practice (we're trying to prevent lice spreading).